Access to Microsoft Dynamics CRM has not yet been fully configured for this user. The user needs at least one security role before you can continue.

I ran into an issue when I was importing a different version  of solution to the organization. The error was:

Access to Microsoft Dynamics CRM has not yet been fully configured for this user. The user needs at least one security role before you can continue.

I was not able to find anything on google/bing for the specific error, but one of the blog I found said the error can be from business rules or other type of processes.

After some research, I came to know that there were multiple Business Rules on the organization which were owned by users who were deactivated and no longer have anything to do with CRM Development.

To resolve this issue, you just  need to assign the Business Processes or other workflows to any active user.

Step 1: Use Advanced Find feature to find the processes and their respective owners.

Advanced Find - Business Rules
Advance Find Business Rules


Step 2: Select all results which shows owner who are already disabled.

Advanced Find Result

Advanced Find – Result

Step 3: Assign the Business Rules/Processes to your user account or another user who is in active state.


Assign processes

And you’re done!! Try to reimport the solution and the error will be gone forever…